Mental skills for golf training.

Your mind is like a garden-it will grow
anything you plant in it flowers or weeds.

Developing a positive mental approach to each and Every shot
will help golfers of all ability levels to Perform at their very best.

Live each shot in the now, don’t remember those past Poor results or worry about the future mistakes you Fear you’ll make. Visual the shot you wish to hit right now, play the movie in your mind and let it happen.

My sports training methods will train your muscles to Perform the
needed movements to properly execute A golf swing that will build trust and self-confidence. Tension and stress shall leave your mind open to see And feel the environment around you, you’ll become Part of the course, not its enemy and your scores will Drop along with your blood pressure.

Rick has taught Celeb's, Pro's, Coaches, Politicians, Amateurs and Students. Take the next step in your
Golf Game - Schedule a Lesson with Rick today !